Charlie's best selling videos have just been certified
Platinum Award Winners
Charlie's Reviews:
Charlie's Christmas Show Review
"If Laughter is the Best Medicine,
Charlie Prose is a Wonder Drug!"
Pathway Tours
"An American Entertainment Treasure"
Atlantic City Press
"Before The Show Is Over He'll Steal Your Heart"
White Star Tours
"Entertainer of the Year"
Laughlin, NV
"Charlie Prose! The charm of laughter and a sweet song", ,
The charm of laughter and a sweet song",
The Laughlin, Nevada Entertainer, Jan 28- Feb 3, 1998
"The reasons are many and varied for Prose's success. First off, Charlie Prose is a charmer. An extremely funny charmer. He is a
philosophy as well as an entertainer."
"To his credit, Prose is a "clean" comic. You never hear objectionable language in his shows... there are no cheap shots or corners to his jokes."
"I laughed 'till my face hurt!"
Sonny Schwartz - Talk Radio Host
"Charlie Prose is sheer joy"
Ronnie Goodelman - Entertainment Critic